Hi Coin Falcon I will like stronghands coin to be added onto your exchange cause this coin has a very strong community and soon we will have a coin burn to reduce the supply and increase coin price..Plus this coin is from a few coins that has ripple pairing with.. It will help this coin grow on your exchange.
Here is the coin website if you like to know more about it
Nizar AchmadL
do not hesitate with SHND, good project and no doubt, let's go to 200s btc back
ishaque nizamani
strong hand s:)
Diky Reno Roxx
Slonghan fiom #BitcoinNKRI
Yudi Priambudi
go..go..go Shnd 💪🏻
Go to the mooon
Bitcoin Currency
Strong hands 💖
Festus Maduka
Sepfrita Berlianawati
SHND is a good coin. We're a big Indonesian community in Indonesia. With #SHNDpower we can buy LAMBORGHINI from #StrongHands #BitcoinNKRI
Ardian BNKRI
SHND is a big monster...
indonesian crypto comunity....
Nizar AchmadL
Ardian BNKRI: mantap
SHND in 2018 we can get LAMBORGHINI. keep spirit for SHND. #bitcoinnkri #sronghand #SHND
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